UN Protectorate In Gaza Is Not A Solution, Says Guterres
(too old to reply)
2023-12-09 19:02:03 UTC
"A UN protectorate in Gaza would not solve the conflict there, the body's Secretary-General said Monday, calling instead for a "transition period" involving Arab nations and the United States and leading to a two-state solution.

Antonio Guterres said it was "important to be able to transform this tragedy into an opportunity" -- which, for him, meant moving "in a determined and irreversible way to a two-state solution."

This means, after the current war between Israel and Hamas fighters in Gaza ends, "a strengthened Palestinian Authority, assuming responsibilities in Gaza," he said.

But the Palestinian Authority cannot go into Gaza backed by Israeli tanks, he added -- meaning the "international community needs to look into a transition period."

"I do not think that a UN protectorate in Gaza is a solution," however, Guterres said.

Instead, he called for a "multi-stakeholder approach" that would see the US act as the "main guarantor" of Israel's security, while Arab nations are "essential" to support Palestinians.

"Everybody needs to come together to create the conditions for the transition, allowing for a strengthened Palestinian Authority to assume responsibilities in Gaza," and from there to a two-state solution, he said."

2023-12-17 22:18:31 UTC
Post by ltlee1
"A UN protectorate in Gaza would not solve the conflict there, the body's Secretary-General said Monday, calling instead for a "transition period" involving Arab nations and the United States and leading to a two-state solution.
Antonio Guterres said it was "important to be able to transform this tragedy into an opportunity" -- which, for him, meant moving "in a determined and irreversible way to a two-state solution."
This means, after the current war between Israel and Hamas fighters in Gaza ends, "a strengthened Palestinian Authority, assuming responsibilities in Gaza," he said.
But the Palestinian Authority cannot go into Gaza backed by Israeli tanks, he added -- meaning the "international community needs to look into a transition period."
"I do not think that a UN protectorate in Gaza is a solution," however, Guterres said.
Instead, he called for a "multi-stakeholder approach" that would see the US act as the "main guarantor" of Israel's security, while Arab nations are "essential" to support Palestinians.
"Everybody needs to come together to create the conditions for the transition, allowing for a strengthened Palestinian Authority to assume responsibilities in Gaza," and from there to a two-state solution, he said."
Arab nations and the United States have been involved for decades. Not the crisis has deepened.
At present, China could contribute positively on the long run by making Gaza-West Bank into another
hub of the BRI.
2023-12-23 16:27:59 UTC
Post by ltlee1
Post by ltlee1
"A UN protectorate in Gaza would not solve the conflict there, the body's Secretary-General said Monday, calling instead for a "transition period" involving Arab nations and the United States and leading to a two-state solution.
Antonio Guterres said it was "important to be able to transform this tragedy into an opportunity" -- which, for him, meant moving "in a determined and irreversible way to a two-state solution."
This means, after the current war between Israel and Hamas fighters in Gaza ends, "a strengthened Palestinian Authority, assuming responsibilities in Gaza," he said.
But the Palestinian Authority cannot go into Gaza backed by Israeli tanks, he added -- meaning the "international community needs to look into a transition period."
"I do not think that a UN protectorate in Gaza is a solution," however, Guterres said.
Instead, he called for a "multi-stakeholder approach" that would see the US act as the "main guarantor" of Israel's security, while Arab nations are "essential" to support Palestinians.
"Everybody needs to come together to create the conditions for the transition, allowing for a strengthened Palestinian Authority to assume responsibilities in Gaza," and from there to a two-state solution, he said."
Arab nations and the United States have been involved for decades. Not the crisis has deepened.
At present, China could contribute positively on the long run by making Gaza-West Bank into another
hub of the BRI.
If Palestine becomes China's protectorate, China could develop the land and help the people escape poverty
in a hurry. Of course, the prerequisite is that they have to forsake violence. And China would not be involved in
terroritorial issues. Those would be left to the two peoples, Israelis and Palestinians, to sort them out later.
Other nations, especially, the Gulf Council Nations have to agree with such a solution. Stop the cycles of violence
first. Followed by developing the people and the land, political and sovereignty the last.
2023-12-23 22:29:25 UTC
Post by ltlee1
Post by ltlee1
"A UN protectorate in Gaza would not solve the conflict there, the body's Secretary-General said Monday, calling instead for a "transition period" involving Arab nations and the United States and leading to a two-state solution.
Antonio Guterres said it was "important to be able to transform this tragedy into an opportunity" -- which, for him, meant moving "in a determined and irreversible way to a two-state solution."
This means, after the current war between Israel and Hamas fighters in Gaza ends, "a strengthened Palestinian Authority, assuming responsibilities in Gaza," he said.
But the Palestinian Authority cannot go into Gaza backed by Israeli tanks, he added -- meaning the "international community needs to look into a transition period."
"I do not think that a UN protectorate in Gaza is a solution," however, Guterres said.
Instead, he called for a "multi-stakeholder approach" that would see the US act as the "main guarantor" of Israel's security, while Arab nations are "essential" to support Palestinians.
"Everybody needs to come together to create the conditions for the transition, allowing for a strengthened Palestinian Authority to assume responsibilities in Gaza," and from there to a two-state solution, he said."
Arab nations and the United States have been involved for decades. Not the crisis has deepened.
At present, China could contribute positively on the long run by making Gaza-West Bank into another
hub of the BRI.
If Palestine becomes China's protectorate, China could develop the land and help the people escape poverty
in a hurry. Of course, the prerequisite is that they have to forsake violence. And China would not be involved in
terroritorial issues. Those would be left to the two peoples, Israelis and Palestinians, to sort them out later.
Other nations, especially, the Gulf Council Nations have to agree with such a solution. Stop the cycles of violence
first. Followed by developing the people and the land, political and sovereignty the last.
1) China has wreaked havoc on HK, Tibet, etc. Now they're supposed to try it again with Gaza? Imagine...
2) Gaza won't renounce violence, period. Not in practice. Imagine that mess.
2024-01-02 15:21:15 UTC
Post by ltlee1
"A UN protectorate in Gaza would not solve the conflict there, the body's Secretary-General said Monday, calling instead for a "transition period" involving Arab nations and the United States and leading to a two-state solution.
Antonio Guterres said it was "important to be able to transform this tragedy into an opportunity" -- which, for him, meant moving "in a determined and irreversible way to a two-state solution."
This means, after the current war between Israel and Hamas fighters in Gaza ends, "a strengthened Palestinian Authority, assuming responsibilities in Gaza," he said.
But the Palestinian Authority cannot go into Gaza backed by Israeli tanks, he added -- meaning the "international community needs to look into a transition period."
"I do not think that a UN protectorate in Gaza is a solution," however, Guterres said.
Instead, he called for a "multi-stakeholder approach" that would see the US act as the "main guarantor" of Israel's security, while Arab nations are "essential" to support Palestinians.
"Everybody needs to come together to create the conditions for the transition, allowing for a strengthened Palestinian Authority to assume responsibilities in Gaza," and from there to a two-state solution, he said."


從10月7日哈瑪斯襲擊以色列,導致1,400人死亡,以色列反攻加薩走廊,造成超過1.5萬人喪命以來,針對這個國際人權危機,聯合國大會在11月到12月中數度做成停火決議,卻被美國在安理會「一票否決」。隨著國際社會的譴責聲浪高漲,美國國內輿情也出現兩極對抗,大學校園爆發「另類的以巴衝突」,哈佛大學、麻省理工學院、賓州大學等三所名校校長在國會聽證會上,因未對校內激烈反猶言論直接說出「YES or NO」的答案,而遭國會與學校金主痛批。結果導致賓大校長辭職,哈佛校長雖有校內師生連署力挺,卻又陷入「抄襲門」的案外案,也讓美國的言論自由受到極大挑戰。





2024-01-15 15:48:07 UTC
Post by ltlee1
"A UN protectorate in Gaza would not solve the conflict there, the body's Secretary-General said Monday, calling instead for a "transition period" involving Arab nations and the United States and leading to a two-state solution.
Antonio Guterres said it was "important to be able to transform this tragedy into an opportunity" -- which, for him, meant moving "in a determined and irreversible way to a two-state solution."
This means, after the current war between Israel and Hamas fighters in Gaza ends, "a strengthened Palestinian Authority, assuming responsibilities in Gaza," he said.
But the Palestinian Authority cannot go into Gaza backed by Israeli tanks, he added -- meaning the "international community needs to look into a transition period."
"I do not think that a UN protectorate in Gaza is a solution," however, Guterres said.
Instead, he called for a "multi-stakeholder approach" that would see the US act as the "main guarantor" of Israel's security, while Arab nations are "essential" to support Palestinians.
"Everybody needs to come together to create the conditions for the transition, allowing for a strengthened Palestinian Authority to assume responsibilities in Gaza," and from there to a two-state solution, he said."
"China has called for a more authoritative and effective Israel-Palestine peace conference and road map to implement a two-state solution, as Tel Aviv’s assault on the Gaza Strip continues.

Speaking to reporters on Sunday, China’s Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, said the international community should “listen” carefully to the legitimate concerns in the Middle East, the Middle East Monitor reported.

“China calls for the convening of a larger-scale, more authoritative and more effective international peace conference, the formulation of a specific timetable and road map for the implementation of the ‘two-state solution’, and support for the prompt resumption of Israel-Palestinian peace talks,” Wang said, as quoted by Reuters news agency.

China and Egypt call for a ceasefire. pic.twitter.com/RQTvys1gLA

— Omar Sakr (@omarsakrpoet) January 15, 2024

His comments came after meetings with his Egyptian counterpart, Sameh Shoukry, in Cairo.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson reportedly said on Monday that the road map needed to be “binding”.

“As for the timing and venue of the conference and where it will be hosted, I think it needs to be determined by all parties through consultation,” Mao Ning said at a regular news conference in Beijing, MEMO reported.

“China also welcomes the active role of the United Nations in this regard,” she said.

China’s top diplomat also on Sunday held talks with the secretary-general of the Arab League on the Gaza conflict and expressed concerns over the Red Sea.

“Influential countries, in particular, need to play an objective, impartial and constructive role in this regard,” the two diplomats said in a joint statement released on Monday by the Chinese foreign ministry.

Last week, Wang said President Xi Jinping had “in-depth communication” with the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Iran to persuade them to let go of past grievances, according to MEMO. He reportedly added that their restoration of ties in 2023 had set off a “wave of reconciliation” across the Middle East.

Wang is currently traveling through Egypt, Tunisia, Togo, and the Ivory Coast until Thursday."
