Israeli PM Netanyahu: Genocide by NATO (Turkey)
(too old to reply)
A. Filip
2024-01-03 04:28:43 UTC
December 27, 20233:45 PM GMT+1Updated 7 days ago ;
[…] "Erdogan, who commits genocide against the Kurds,[…]"
Netanyahu said in a statement […]
Israel is always right, isn't it?
A. Filip
| Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought
| half as good. Luckily this is not difficult. (Charlotte Whitton)
2024-01-05 14:39:50 UTC
Post by A. Filip
December 27, 20233:45 PM GMT+1Updated 7 days ago ;
[…] "Erdogan, who commits genocide against the Kurds,[…]"
Netanyahu said in a statement […]
Israel is always right, isn't it?
Actually, Israel is considered wrong during most of the past two millenia.
Currently, the issue is not whether Israel is right. But whether the US is always right.

A bigger question:
Could the US, with less than 5% of the world's population, could have the final say
on almost all things forever?
Post by A. Filip
A. Filip
| Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought
| half as good. Luckily this is not difficult. (Charlotte Whitton)
A. Filip
2024-01-05 14:58:59 UTC
Post by ltlee1
Post by A. Filip
December 27, 20233:45 PM GMT+1Updated 7 days ago ;
[…] "Erdogan, who commits genocide against the Kurds,[…]"
Netanyahu said in a statement […]
Israel is always right, isn't it?
Actually, Israel is considered wrong during most of the past two millenia.
Currently, the issue is not whether Israel is right. But whether the US is always right.
Could the US, with less than 5% of the world's population, could have the final say
on almost all things forever?
Nothing (no empire) lasts forever.
Do you expect _fast_ changes without huge unwanted side effects?

Post by ltlee1
Тише едешь, дальше будешь
English equivalent: Slow and steady wins the race.
A. Filip
| No woman ever falls in love with a man unless she has a better
| opinion of him than he deserves. (Edgar Watson Howe)
2024-01-06 18:18:47 UTC
Post by A. Filip
Post by A. Filip
December 27, 20233:45 PM GMT+1Updated 7 days ago ;
[…] "Erdogan, who commits genocide against the Kurds,[…]"
Netanyahu said in a statement […]
Israel is always right, isn't it?
Actually, Israel is considered wrong during most of the past two millenia.
Currently, the issue is not whether Israel is right. But whether the US is always right.
Could the US, with less than 5% of the world's population, could have the final say
on almost all things forever?
Nothing (no empire) lasts forever.
Do you expect _fast_ changes without huge unwanted side effects?
Niall Ferguson had warned about the the end of America’s empire after it had withdrawn
from Afghan knowing very well that a lot of ink had already been spent on American decline.

"So many books and articles predicting American decline have been written in recent decades that “declinism” has become a cliché.
But Britain’s experience between the 1930s and the 1950s is a reminder that there are worse fates than gentle, gradual decline.

Follow the money
Start with the mountains of debt. Britain’s public debt after the first world war rose from 109% of GDP in 1918 to just under 200% in
1934. America’s federal debt is different in important ways, but it is comparable in magnitude. It will reach nearly 110% of GDP this
even higher than its previous peak in the immediate aftermath of the second world war. The Congressional Budget Office estimates
that it could exceed 200% by 2051.

An important difference between the United States today and the United Kingdom roughly a century ago is that the average maturity
of American federal debt is quite short (65 months), whereas more than 40% of the British public debt took the form of perpetual bonds
or annuities. This means that the American debt today is a great deal more sensitive to moves in interest rates than Britain’s was."

He repeated the same theme a couple days ago, again by comparing the decline of the UK to the that of the US.

"The pax americana seems to be ending. The fate of Ukraine — of Israel and Taiwan, too — hangs in the balance. I cannot say I am
surprised. It was always very likely that the overreach of the Global War on Terror would be requited in this way: with a resurgence of
isolationism. Today, fully 57% of Republican voters, and 51% of Independents, say that “US interests are better served by using our
resources to improve life for ordinary Americans at home.” Just a third agree that “US interests are best served by supporting freedom
and democracy around the world when they are under threat.”
