Yale Guen Mar, your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara has been looking out for you. Quit Merced, CA. She can get you settled comfortably in small town Safford, AZ.
(too old to reply)
2018-02-15 16:51:41 UTC
No, I looked for a nice quiet town to settle and I found it in Merced.
I Started life in America in a nice quiet town in Arizona,
and I will end my life in a small nice quiet town in California.
Yale Guen Mar, do acknowledge that you haven't been good to Merced, CA. It is no longer the nice quiet town it used to be before 2009. Your Hmong neighbors attribute your hygienically lifestyle to be the primary cause of Merced's downslide.

Yale Guen Mar, at the express request of your Hmong neighbors (especially of Rolida Lee), your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara has been looking for a quiet small town for your relocation. She thinks she has found it.

Would you like to relocate to Safford, AZ of Graham County with a population of less than 10,000.

She recommends at least three Chinese Restaurants, not just for your eating pleasure but your working pleasure as well. All three restaurants are on the same street, namely, W Thatcher Blvd. The restaurants are:

* Jumbo Chinese Restaurant

* Super Wok

* Chjna Taste

The climate of Safford, AZ is dry and hot - it will better survive your hygienically challenged lifestyle than Merced, CA has.

Yale Guen Mar, your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara has got in touch with the owners of the three restaurants to see if any is willing to accommodate you. Your cousin has given you enough of a recommendation to be persuasive.

Yale Guen Mar, get in touch with your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara - she'll in turn get you in touch with the restaurant owners. The workload will be light because they will accommodate you more as a philanthropic gesture than because they expect you to work to earn your living.

Yale Guen Mar - give Safford, AZ a try. The small quiet town will be ideal as your last place of residence and as your final resting place.

a simple mind is always an HONEST mind
Lack thereof has to be the reason for the diabolical deviousness of Yale Guen Mar (posting under the fake name of Resty Wyse) who has reside in Merced, CA since 2009., much to the grief of his Hmong neighbors and their pigs in local hog farms like Mai Keri Her and Loin Eye.
Resty Wyse
2018-02-15 17:54:33 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
No, I looked for a nice quiet town to settle and I found it in Merced.
I Started life in America in a nice quiet town in Arizona,
and I will end my life in a small nice quiet town in California.
Yale Guen Mar, do acknowledge that you haven't been good to Merced, CA. It is no longer the nice quiet town it used to be before 2009. Your Hmong neighbors attribute your hygienically lifestyle to be the primary cause of Merced's downslide.
Yale Guen Mar, at the express request of your Hmong neighbors (especially of Rolida Lee), your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara has been looking for a quiet small town for your relocation. She thinks she has found it.
Would you like to relocate to Safford, AZ of Graham County with a population of less than 10,000.
* Jumbo Chinese Restaurant
* Super Wok
* Chjna Taste
The climate of Safford, AZ is dry and hot - it will better survive your hygienically challenged lifestyle than Merced, CA has.
Yale Guen Mar, your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara has got in touch with the owners of the three restaurants to see if any is willing to accommodate you. Your cousin has given you enough of a recommendation to be persuasive.
Yale Guen Mar, get in touch with your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara - she'll in turn get you in touch with the restaurant owners. The workload will be light because they will accommodate you more as a philanthropic gesture than because they expect you to work to earn your living.
Yale Guen Mar - give Safford, AZ a try. The small quiet town will be ideal as your last place of residence and as your final resting place.
a simple mind is always an HONEST mind
Lack thereof has to be the reason for the diabolical deviousness of Yale Guen Mar (posting under the fake name of Resty Wyse) who has reside in Merced, CA since 2009., much to the grief of his Hmong neighbors and their pigs in local hog farms like Mai Keri Her and Loin Eye.
I haven't seen her for a long long time.
She's older than me.
She may have died.

One time while visiting her, I asked where her husband is.
She said he died. Within 2 years of her husband's dieth, her husband's younger brother died, hwe husband's younger sister died along her sister's husband.
2018-02-15 18:55:43 UTC
Post by Resty Wyse
Post by s***@gmail.com
No, I looked for a nice quiet town to settle and I found it in Merced.
I Started life in America in a nice quiet town in Arizona,
and I will end my life in a small nice quiet town in California.
Yale Guen Mar, do acknowledge that you haven't been good to Merced, CA. It is no longer the nice quiet town it used to be before 2009. Your Hmong neighbors attribute your hygienically lifestyle to be the primary cause of Merced's downslide.
Yale Guen Mar, at the express request of your Hmong neighbors (especially of Rolida Lee), your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara has been looking for a quiet small town for your relocation. She thinks she has found it.
Would you like to relocate to Safford, AZ of Graham County with a population of less than 10,000.
* Jumbo Chinese Restaurant
* Super Wok
* Chjna Taste
The climate of Safford, AZ is dry and hot - it will better survive your hygienically challenged lifestyle than Merced, CA has.
Yale Guen Mar, your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara has got in touch with the owners of the three restaurants to see if any is willing to accommodate you. Your cousin has given you enough of a recommendation to be persuasive.
Yale Guen Mar, get in touch with your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara - she'll in turn get you in touch with the restaurant owners. The workload will be light because they will accommodate you more as a philanthropic gesture than because they expect you to work to earn your living.
Yale Guen Mar - give Safford, AZ a try. The small quiet town will be ideal as your last place of residence and as your final resting place.
a simple mind is always an HONEST mind
Lack thereof has to be the reason for the diabolical deviousness of Yale Guen Mar (posting under the fake name of Resty Wyse) who has reside in Merced, CA since 2009., much to the grief of his Hmong neighbors and their pigs in local hog farms like Mai Keri Her and Loin Eye.
I haven't seen her for a long long time.
She's older than me.
She may have died.
One time while visiting her, I asked where her husband is.
She said he died. Within 2 years of her husband's dieth, her husband's younger brother died, hwe husband's younger sister died along her sister's husband.
Yale Guen Mar, must you wish death even on your benefactors?

Have you taken to buying dolls for your voodoo activities? Do you derive utmost pleasure by sticking pins inside the dolls?

Your message carrier cousin is a spritely octogenarian in Santa Clara. In fact your cousin Lawrence Yale Mar is a regular guest at her parties.

And, anyway, she has found three people in Safford, AZ who will sponsor your stay in the small town of Safford, AZ when it becomes untenable for you to continue any longer in Merced, CA without risking lynching.

A hog farm is jointly owned by the three and you'll be accommodated in a nice pig sty where you can wallow as much on the ground as you wish.
2018-02-17 20:48:12 UTC
Yale Guen Mar, think of the following:

(a) the message carrier cousin in Santa Clara

(b) the owners of the three Chinese restaurants
on W Thatcher Blvd in Safford, AZ in Graham County

Do offer all of them red packets of money for the Lunar New Year - you'll gain back much more when they help you out.

But do put a stop to your newsgroup posts that earn you 50cents in payment from the CCP regime in PRC.

Your traitorous actions are not worth the 50 cents that you receive in return.

Please predict the date of your impending death?
Probably in 2023.
How may will attend your funeral?
None!!! I don't want anyone at my funeral.
As a matter of fact, I want no funeral.
How will your body be disposed off?
Sky burial, Tibetan way. Let the vultures eat it.
Don;t let anything go to waste.
Yale Guen Mar, even vultures have self-respect.

No self-respecting vulture will deign to eat your disease-ful body.

I will go nowhere, Satish. Yuhua has select a gravesite for me already.
I'll let you on to a secret. The gravesite, you think is for you, is not really for you. Yuhua and Carlton are sick and tired of listening to your desire for a sky burial.

Yuhua and Carlton have decided that theoir first choice for the grave site is Carlton's biological father from China, He visits Fremont, CA every year It would be fitting if he rests in peace in that gravesite chosen by his beloved Yuhua.

In case that is not possible both Carlton and Yuhua have decided to bury Kimi and Subi there when the time comes.

So, Yale Guen Mar, short of a Tibetan sky burial, you are destined to rest in peace in Safford, AZ.

My father went to see a fortune teller in 1949 in Hong Kong.
1: Get a second wife when he's 45 years old.
2: He will die at age 65.
You don't need a fortune teller to make these kind of truth to any man.
1: His wife will be having her menopause. Get a young woman for sex.
2: In 1949, the life-span of Chinese male was about 65 years old.
Yale Guen Mar, you haven't told us the whole story. You were a mere 11 years in Hong Kong when the fortune-teller told you that you would soon live in a small desert town in Arizona where temperatures were like 120 degrees. You had laughed it of. But it wasn't long before you crossed the South China Sea, an, in fact, the Pacific Ocean to do just that.

The fortune-teller had also said that you'll be buried under earth (no sky burial) in a desert town in Arizna to be baked at 120 degrees till eternity. That too is likely to come true.

You'll soon be moving to Safford, AZ because you have become personna non grata with your Hmong neighbors in Merced, CA.

Your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara will then take you to Safford, AZ and introduce you to her friends on W Thatcher Blvd. They will sponsor you stay at a local pig sty.

You'll die there and be buried for eternity in Safford, AZ where it had all started.

The fortune-teller couldn't have been more right.

BTW, what have you done with the $30,000 and the minivan that Yuhua gave you to get rid of you from her life? Have you already frittered away all that money? Have you sold the minivan as well?
2018-02-19 05:19:24 UTC
Post by Resty Wyse
One time while visiting her, I asked where her husband is.
She said he died. Within 2 years of her husband's dieth, her husband's younger brother died, hwe husband's younger sister died along her sister's husband.
Yale Guen Mar, looks like you have been a killer visitor.

It is mighty nice of your cousin to look out for you in spite of that.

She has talked with owners of three Chinese restaurants on E Thatcher Blvd. in Safford, AZ to find a place for you after you are forced to quit Merced, CA by your Hmong neighbors.

Yes, the three friends of your message carrier cousin are quite willing. They are willing to finance your room and board at a pig sty owned by them.

Yale Guen Mar, be grateful that some people are still looking out for you.

Behave properly for a change.
2018-02-22 16:19:33 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
No, I looked for a nice quiet town to settle and I found it in Merced.
I Started life in America in a nice quiet town in Arizona,
and I will end my life in a small nice quiet town in California.
That is because you are so stupid, no ambition idiot, pawn, toy soldier,
master jester and clown to Uncle Sam. You have slave mentality, Satish.
A slave to the White race. Rudyard Kipling was right. You are truly
the "White Man's burden".
Yale Guen Mar (posting under the fake name of Rest Wyse), stupid is that stupid does. And you, Yale Guen Mar, are very very stupid. That is why you now find yourself with badly-infected middle fingers and the infection now threatens to metastasize inside whatever little brain you have.

Yes, Yale Guen Mar, you are bottom heavy with all asshole and no brain.

I am always a good person.
komin, if you can do what the CCP has done in China,
then I will say "komin is a good person".
Yale Guen Mar (posting under the fake name of Resty Wyse), did the fortune-teller from Hong Kong charge your father any money? Or did he do the fortune-telling as a pro bono service?

Even if your father had paid for the service, the fortune-teller was quite prescient about your fate in life when you were only 11.

The fortune-teller correctly foretold that you'll soon be in a small desert town in Arizona. And you landed in Safford, AZ before the year was out.

He also foretold that in your 80s, you'll be back in that town and die there. He also said that there will be no sky burial. The townsmen will get together to bury your stinky remains in their desert town.

Yale Guen Mar, you now find yourself at odds with your Hmong neighbors in Merced, CA. Sooner or later, you'll have to move.

It is very nice that your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara is talking with her three friends on Thatcher Blvd. in Safford, AZ. I hear that the three are willing to sponsor room and board for you at a local pig sty.

The fortune-teller of Hong Kong stands to be fully vindicated some 70 years after he made his predictions about you when you were a 11 year old.

The rural Indian inventor whose machine to make sanitary pads shattered a taboo and inspired a film, Pad Man
Feature film Pad Man tells the story of Arunachalam Muruganantham, who, shocked by his own wife’s secret suffering over menstruation, set out, against the odds, to invent a cheap sanitary pad maker now in wide use all over India
Yale Guen Mar, why don't you write on your experience with sanitary pads? Better still, ask Meichi Thai to pen the story. She has been using them to stem the flow from your hemorrhoid-scarred asshole for quite a few years and often with success.

Yes, Yale Guen Mar make sure never to leave home without an adequate supply of diapers and sanitary napkins, and, of course never without Meichi Thai to help you with putting them on.
Post by s***@gmail.com
Yale Guen Mar, do acknowledge that you haven't been good to Merced, CA. It is no longer the nice quiet town it used to be before 2009. Your Hmong neighbors attribute your hygienically lifestyle to be the primary cause of Merced's downslide.
Yale Guen Mar, at the express request of your Hmong neighbors (especially of Rolida Lee), your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara has been looking for a quiet small town for your relocation. She thinks she has found it.
Would you like to relocate to Safford, AZ of Graham County with a population of less than 10,000.
* Jumbo Chinese Restaurant
* Super Wok
* Chjna Taste
The climate of Safford, AZ is dry and hot - it will better survive your hygienically challenged lifestyle than Merced, CA has.
Yale Guen Mar, your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara has got in touch with the owners of the three restaurants to see if any is willing to accommodate you. Your cousin has given you enough of a recommendation to be persuasive.
Yale Guen Mar, get in touch with your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara - she'll in turn get you in touch with the restaurant owners. The workload will be light because they will accommodate you more as a philanthropic gesture than because they expect you to work to earn your living.
Yale Guen Mar - give Safford, AZ a try. The small quiet town will be ideal as your last place of residence and as your final resting place.
a simple mind is always an HONEST mind
Lack thereof has to be the reason for the diabolical deviousness of Yale Guen Mar (posting under the fake name of Resty Wyse) who has reside in Merced, CA since 2009., much to the grief of his Hmong neighbors and their pigs in local hog farms like Mai Keri Her and Loin Eye.
I haven't seen her for a long long time.
She's older than me.
She may have died.
One time while visiting her, I asked where her husband is.
She said he died. Within 2 years of her husband's dieth, her husband's younger brother died, hwe husband's younger sister died along her sister's husband.
Yale Guen Mar, don't burn your bridges - she is your best bet for getting in touch with Lawrence Yale Mar, the tax specialist from the Bay Area and your cousin.

Homer's youngest brother works for IRS as a corporate auditor in San Jose.
And, Yale Guen Mar, you think that makes your cousin Lawrence Yale Mar inferior to you in some way? Does he have a fat belly like you?

Get a life, Yale Guen Mar. You can blame no one but yourself for your life of wasted opportunities and failures.

Yale Guen Mar, it would be prudent of you to seek Larry's advice to your own predicament from unreported foreign income (the 50 cents per approved post from PRC).

Yes, the total amount of this income is small. But you may have violated laws by failing to report it to the IRS.

Cousin Larry is very well versed in Tax laws. Try to get his response to your situation. Find out if there is a way for you to come clean with the IRS. Otherwise you risk spending your golden years in a penitentiary and a death on its shower floor as you get sodomized by fellow inmates.

Is it any wonder that not to speak of your cousins, even your siblings don't think much of you.

Respect them and try to get into their good books by showing proper respect to your ancestors. Join them in celebrating the Quingming Festival with gusto. And Dr. Eugene Yale Mar might yet accept you as a friend on Facebook.
2018-03-11 15:42:12 UTC
Yale Guen Mar, recall how you ran away from home as a teenager. You ended in Chicago where you tried to enroll as a Bunny Boy with Playboy.

Your mother, Kim Hi Wong, had filed a missing person report with the police. The police found you just in time because you might have got murdered by the unsavory characters you had started mixing with to earn money as a boy prostitute.

When you cam back home, your sister Ellen (who was 11 years younger than you) cried and cried and made you swear never to run away from home again.

But then you misused your stay with your parents Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar.

Yale Guen Mar (who posts under the fake name of Resty Wyse) do you understand why Ellen, Donald and Eugene had to do what they did.

Because of your unstable temperament, you were a menace not just to yourself and your relatives but even to your neighbors.

Ellen, Donald and Eugene had to get rid of your gun collection and album of photos of your favorite pigs from the room in your parents' home on 914 10th Street in Safford, AZ. They were only trying to save you from yourself.

Yale Guen Mar, you still have not been able to forgive Ellen, Donald and Eugene because they got rid of your gun collection and the album of photos of your favorite pigs from your room in your parents' house on 914 10th Street in Safford, AZ.

Yale Guen Mar, 914 10th Street in Safford, AZ should have been like your home. Instead you chose to make it a storage place for your contrabands.

I am very much interested in hearing from Chinese-Americans within the
United States on how their aged parents/grandparents were faring in
their sunset years. It was ironic for me growing up in a small town,
living in California most of my adult life about a thousand miles from
"home". As each of us gets older and educated, we leave "home" only to
come "home" for visit once or twice a year. My sibblings live in
Tucson about 125 miles away leaving my parents alone at "home". To me,
"home" was, is and will always be 914 10th St. and I never take any of
my things from "home" to California.
Then my father got sick and checked into the hospital. My brother in
Tucson returned "home" and talked to the doctor, who said my father may
be in hospital for about a week. Since my mother can not speak English
and alone at home, he decided to transfer my father to Tucson Medical
Center where he works and move my mother to a retirement home in
Tucson. The house was sold. "Home" is no more. All my college year
photos were gone, my short-wave radio, my gun collection, everything in
my bedroom, including the photos of my favorite pigs, were thrown away
or given away without telling me.
My father recovered and moved into the retirement home with my mother,
each taken up a room with a cost of $1,200/month each for a total of
$2,400. With no outside activities and eat and sleep, my father died
in 15 months later. My mother died two years later after my father. I
believe my mother died of loneliness and neglect. I have 3 sibblings
living in Tucson, not one would visit and talk to my mother often
enough to care.
Yale Guen Mar, can't you ever get over the loss of your gun collection, photos of your favorite pigs and your short-wave radio? Donald and Eugene were only trying to protect you from yourself.

Yale Guen Mar, you are being grossly unfair to your brothers Eugene Yale Mar and Donald Yale Mar. They were achievers. The only reason they got rid of your gun collection, short-wave radio and the photos of your favorite pigs was to save you from yourself.

Quit holding grudges against Donald and Eugene, Get their help to cope with your problems.

Funeral rites for an elderly person follow the prescribed form and convey relevant respect: rites befitting the person's status, age etc. are performed even if this means the family of the deceased must go into debt to pay for them.

Ben Shee Mar and Susan Suye Oy Wong were fortunate to be honored at their burial by their children and grandchildren. They lie buried side by side in Duncanville, Texas.

Nephew Yale Guen Mar was not welcome at the funerals by the Mar clan, and for understandable reasons.

But then Yale Guen Mar wasn't welcome at the funerals of his parents Tony Chee Mar and Kim Hi Wong either. No one wanted him at the funerals.

At Qingming Festival every year, Homer Yale Mar and his siblings pay respect to their parents Ben Shee Mar and Susan Suey Oy Wong, and all relatives and ancestors who have passed away. They spend time tidying up the graves and tombstones of Ben Shee Mar and Susan Suey Oy Wong. They offer food, flowers and paper money to their ancestors.

In stark contrast, Yale Guen Mar spends time sulking about times when he got thrashed by his father Tony Chee Mar and mother Kim Hi Wong for misbehavior.
2018-03-12 05:52:35 UTC
Man faces eight years for trying to kill Indonesian lover
The court found that the Taiwanese defendant was cruel and lacked remorse, and hence his appeal of his conviction and sentence were rejected - 8 years for attempted murder is too light. It gotta be 20 years!!!
Yale Guen Mar (posting under the fake name of Resty Wyse), you must be really mad. The Taiwanese defendant shouldn't be getting away with murder. All Taiwanese (a defendant or not) got to get at least 20 years of reeducation through labor ( 勞動教養 ).
Excellent museum equipment!!!
Useless against China!!!
Taiwan's military is a joke!!!!
So stop making a fool of yourself!!!!
Yale Guen Mar, stop whining about Taiwan's impertinence.

Yale Guen Mar, you should be thinking of your own future.

Think back to 1949 in Hong Kong. Remember what the fortune-teller told you?

You were a mere 11 years old and in in Hong Kong when the fortune-teller told you that you would soon live in a small desert town in Arizona where temperatures were like 120 degrees. You had laughed it off. But before the year ended, you crossed the South China Sea, an, in fact, the Pacific Ocean, to do just that.

The fortune-teller had also said that you'll be buried under earth (no sky burial) in a desert town in Arizna to be baked at 120 degrees till eternity. That too is likely to come true.

You'll soon be moving to Safford, AZ because you have become personna non grata with your Hmong neighbors in Merced, CA.

Your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara will then introduce you to her friends in Safford, AZ on W Thatcher Blvd. They will sponsor you for room and board at a local pig sty.

You'll die there and be buried for eternity in Safford, AZ where it had all started.

The fortune-teller couldn't have been more right.

BTW, what have you done with the $30,000 and the minivan that Yuhua gave you to get rid of you from her life? Have you already frittered away all that money? Have you sold the minivan as well?
2018-03-12 15:49:17 UTC
Post by Resty Wyse
I haven't seen her for a long long time.
She's older than me.
She may have died.
One time while visiting her, I asked where her husband is.
She said he died. Within 2 years of her husband's dieth, her husband's younger brother died, hwe husband's younger sister died along her sister's husband.
Yale Guen Mar, shed your false pride. Get help from your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara. She wants to help you out and has been in touch with three restaurant owners on W Thatcher Blvd. in Safford, AZ.

They are willing to finance your board and lodging at a pig sty owned by one of the restaurant owners.

Settling down in Safford, AZ will make it easy for you to visit the graves of your parents Tony Chee Mar and Kim Hi Wong whenever you wish to. Hopefully that will be often.

The year of the dog has been upon us, Yale Guen Mar. Time for a new beginning for your wretched life. Do make a resolution that you shall be visiting Tony Chee Mar's grave from now on. He is buried in East Palm Cemetery (Lot 49) in Phoenix, Arizona.

Your best option is to take a train ride to Tucson, AZ.

Take a train from Merced, CA to Tucson, AZ. Be at the grave of your parents Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar. It is in East Palm Cemetery (look for Lot 49).

Here's the address and phone number:

East Palm Cemetery

5801 East Grant Road #C
Tucson, AZ 85712

(520) 886-5561

Also, try to get along with Ellen, Donald and Eugene.

Yale Guen Mar, you still have not been able to forgive Ellen, Donald and Eugene because they got rid of your gun collection and the album of photos of your favorite pigs from your room in your parents' house on 914 10th Street in Safford, AZ.

Yale Guen Mar, 914 10th Street in Safford, AZ should have been like your home. Instead you chose to make it a storage place for your contrabands.

Your siblings had to intervene not just to save your parents from you but even to save you from yourself.

Get over all your grudges. Get ready for the Quingming Festival.

Sweep the graves. Polish the headstones. Offer play money, flowers and the choicest mai tai. Burn incense.

Most of all, pledge to come back to the grave at the next Quingming Festival to do the same.

In fact, try to relocate to Safford, AZ to be better able to perform your filial duties.
2018-03-12 15:52:01 UTC
Post by Resty Wyse
I haven't seen her for a long long time.
She's older than me.
She may have died.
One time while visiting her, I asked where her husband is.
She said he died. Within 2 years of her husband's dieth, her husband's younger brother died, hwe husband's younger sister died along her sister's husband.
Yale Guen Mar, shed your false pride. Get help from your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara. She wants to help you out and has been in touch with three restaurant owners on W Thatcher Blvd. in Safford, AZ.

They are willing to finance your board and lodging at a pig sty owned by one of the restaurant owners.

Settling down in Safford, AZ will make it easy for you to visit the graves of your parents Tony Chee Mar and Kim Hi Wong whenever you wish to. Hopefully that will be often.

The year of the dog has been upon us, Yale Guen Mar. Time for a new beginning for your wretched life. Do make a resolution that you shall be visiting Tony Chee Mar's grave from now on. He is buried in East Palm Cemetery (Lot 49) in Phoenix, Arizona.

Your best option is to take a train ride to Tucson, AZ.

Take a train from Merced, CA to Tucson, AZ. Be at the grave of your parents Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar. It is in East Palm Cemetery (look for Lot 49).

Here's the address and phone number:

East Palm Cemetery

5801 East Grant Road #C
Tucson, AZ 85712

(520) 886-5561

Also, try to get along with Ellen, Donald and Eugene.

Yale Guen Mar, you still have not been able to forgive Ellen, Donald and Eugene because they got rid of your gun collection and the album of photos of your favorite pigs from your room in your parents' house on 914 10th Street in Safford, AZ.

Yale Guen Mar, 914 10th Street in Safford, AZ should have been like your home. Instead you chose to make it a storage place for your contrabands.

Your siblings had to intervene not just to save your parents from you but even to save you from yourself.

Get over all your grudges. Get ready for the Quingming Festival.

Sweep the graves. Polish the headstones. Offer play money, flowers and the choicest mai tai. Burn incense.

Most of all, pledge to come back to the grave at the next Quingming Festival to do the same.

In fact, try to relocate to Safford, AZ to be better able to perform your filial duties.
2018-08-31 22:42:34 UTC
Post by Resty Wyse
I haven't seen her for a long long time.
She's older than me.
She may have died.
One time while visiting her, I asked where her husband is.
She said he died. Within 2 years of her husband's dieth, her husband's younger brother died, hwe husband's younger sister died along her sister's husband.
Well, now that Yuhua Luo has decided where Carlton's biological father will get buried, search is on for a burial place for Yale Guen Mar.

Yale Guen Mar, your message carrying cousin from Santa CXkarita is doing her best to find a place for your final resting place.

Yale Guen Mar, don't you want Carlton and Brenton, Judaj, Luca and Valerie to sweeo your grave and polish your headstone when you are dead and gone?

Yale Guen Mar, it is pity that you didn't join the Mars at the tombs of Kim Hi Wong and Tocny Chee Mar for the Hungry Ghost Festival.

You would have met a lot of them at the East Palm Cemetery (Lot 49) in Tucson, AZ.

Ellen, Donald and Eugene were there.

Valery and Kimberly were there.

Brenton, Luca and Valentina were there - they flew in from Boston.

Heck, even Yuhua Luo, Carlton, May Fung and Dr. Roberto Buonamici were there.

Well, come October 17, there will be another get together for the Double Bine Festival.

Yale Guen Mar, you don't have to climb any mountain. Kowtowing before the tombs of Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar should be enough mountain climbing for you.Just enjoy the chrysanthemums planted at the graves.

Come to Tucson, AZ and meat the Mar clan. Repent for your misdeeds.

But over and above all, have chongyang cake and drink chrysanthemum wine with assembled members of the Mar clan.

Join the Mar clan to tidy up the tombs of Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar.

Cleaning the tomb and paying respect to the dead person with offerings are the two important parts of remembering the past relatives.

* Take out the weeds and add fresh soil at the graves to show your respect for your ancestors.

* Offer food, wine (favorite wine for both Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar was Mai Tai)
and paper money to them.

* Do kowtow before the tombs as a show of respect.

* Yale Guen Mar, ride swings with Luca and Valentina and wear willow branches over your head.

* After that, do fly kites and go for hiking with siblings Ellen, Donald, and Eugene
and with Brenton, Silvia, Luca and Valentina and also with Valerie and Kinberly.

* Yale Guen Mar, make sure not to forget to take your boxes of diapers and wipes with you.

* Do change into a fresh diaper as often as you can to make sure that your shit doesn't drip
while you are inside East Palm Cemetery in general, and at Lot 49 in particular.

Yale Guen Mar, try to play your cards right, all your misbehaviors may get forgiven. Eugene might yet accept you as a friend on Facebook and even allow you to visit him.
2019-02-27 16:07:12 UTC
Post by Resty Wyse
I haven't seen her for a long long time.
She's older than me.
She may have died.
One time while visiting her, I asked where her husband is.
She said he died. Within 2 years of her husband's dieth, her husband's younger brother died, hwe husband's younger sister died along her sister's husband.
Yale Guen Mar had been banned from entering Mai Keri Her's hog farm in Merced ever since he was caught finger-fucking a 265 lb pig in the ass hole by Captain May Fung of Merced county's Fire Department.

Lately, Yale Guen Mar has been found loitering neer the Loin Eye Hog Farm


What is Yale Guen Mar up to?

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), your Hmong neighbors are feeling the need to monitor your whereabouts 24/7.

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA need walls to keep you out of their taro patches. But their dogs are doing their bit to chase you out.

Yale Guen Mar, not just your Hmong neighbors but even their dogs have taken a deep dislike to you.

Yale Guen Mar, it can't be pleasant for you to be chased by the dogs of your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA. You should train vigorously to acquire:

* stealth to sneak undetected into taro patches of your Hmong neighbors

* speed to pull up your pants and to get away from the dogs when you do get detected

Yale Guen Mar, why do you give so much shit to the taro patches of your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA?

You have become persona non grata not just to your Hmong neighbors but even to their dogs.

The neighborhood around 3851 Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA is a very uneasy place for the Hmong residents, and all because of Yale Guen Mar who resides at 3851 Twilight Avenue.

Even the dogs of the Hmong residents are wary of Yale Guen Mar's hygienically challenged lifestyle.

Yale Guen Mar, I hope you get a better appreciation of why the dogs of your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA chase you away whenever they find you lowering your pants in the taro patches of the neighborhood.

Won't it be nice, Yale Guen Mar, if you remove your shit from the taro patches of your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA?

Yale Guen Mar, I don't think it is too late for your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA to band together for the protection of their taro patches from your surreptitious onslaughts.

Yale Guen Mar, have you told your handler from the CCP about your efforts to fertilize the taro patches of your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA?

Are you dismayed that your Hmong neighbors, and even their dogs, don't think much of your efforts to sneak into the lower patches to lower your pants?

Yale Guen Mar hasn't learnt much from his repeated encounters with the dogs of his Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA.

Yale Guen Mar, you give way too much for your shit than is good for your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA.

Heck, even the dogs of your Hmong neighbors detest you.

Yale Guen Mar, PRC reserves the right to every colonial outpost of the Middle Kingdom of yore to claim the other side of the Himalayan Mountains and the South China Sea within exclusive economic zone of other littoral countries. It is a problem only when PRC's neighbors don't accept that gracefully.

Yale Guen Mar, you have been following the same philosophy in the Twilight Avenue neighborhood in Merced, CA. You hold that it is your right to shit in the yards of all your neighbors, especially your Hmong neighbors. You are indignant if the dogs of your Hmong neighbors bark at you and chase you into your home on 3851 Twilight Avenue.

Yale Guen Mar, you would like to smile everytime you manage to lower your pants and your diaper in the yard of a Hmong neighnor on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA.
Post by Resty Wyse
Report: China developing 'invisibility cloak' for non-stealth jets
Yale Guen Mar, you should talk with your handler from the CCP about it. The "invisibility cloak" might be the answer to your prayer - it might enable you to continue to shit in the yards of your Hmong neighbors without getting chased by the dogs of your Hmong neighbors.


February 1, 2013

Merced Resident's Eureka Moment on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA

An old man was found running naked on Twilight Avenue trying to escape a dog barking furiously at him.

Police reports that the old man was shitting in the taro patch of a Hmong resident. Apparently the old man was under the impression that he was doing his Hmong neighbor a favor by fertilizing the taro patch with his shit.

But the dog in the Hmong household thought otherwise. He started barking furiously at the old man defecating in the taro patch. When the old man didn't budge, the dog charged at the shitting man squatting on the taro pitch engrossed in defecating.

When the man saw the dog charging at him, he must have decided that the dog's bite was going to be worse than its bark.

It was at this point that the old man had his eureka moment. He jumped up and started running toward 3851 Twilight Avenue with a piece of shit still dangling from his asshole.

The commotion caused a member of the Hmong household to rush out. He didn't want the dog to bite the old man in case the dog caught rabies from the fleeing disheveled man who certainly looked as if he was a carrier of rabies.

In the meantime, another Hmong neighbor had called 911. By the time the police arrived, the old man with shit dangling from his asshole had managed to disappear from the scene.

The police is investigating. It doesn't think that the man was armed with anything other than the piece of shit dangling from his asshole. Nevertheless, people in the neighborhood have been advised not to attempt a citizen's arrest if they encounter the man. They are warned to consider the man to be insane and dangerous and to report any sighting to the police immediately.

Post by Resty Wyse
Well, now that Yuhua Luo has decided where Carlton's biological father will get buried, search is on for a burial place for Yale Guen Mar.
Yale Guen Mar, your message carrying cousin from Santa CXkarita is doing her best to find a place for your final resting place.
Yale Guen Mar, don't you want Carlton and Brenton, Judaj, Luca and Valerie to sweeo your grave and polish your headstone when you are dead and gone?
Yale Guen Mar, it is pity that you didn't join the Mars at the tombs of Kim Hi Wong and Tocny Chee Mar for the Hungry Ghost Festival.
You would have met a lot of them at the East Palm Cemetery (Lot 49) in Tucson, AZ.
Ellen, Donald and Eugene were there.
Valery and Kimberly were there.
Brenton, Luca and Valentina were there - they flew in from Boston.
Heck, even Yuhua Luo, Carlton, May Fung and Dr. Roberto Buonamici were there.
Well, come October 17, there will be another get together for the Double Bine Festival.
Yale Guen Mar, you don't have to climb any mountain. Kowtowing before the tombs of Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar should be enough mountain climbing for you.Just enjoy the chrysanthemums planted at the graves.
Come to Tucson, AZ and meat the Mar clan. Repent for your misdeeds.
But over and above all, have chongyang cake and drink chrysanthemum wine with assembled members of the Mar clan.
Join the Mar clan to tidy up the tombs of Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar.
Cleaning the tomb and paying respect to the dead person with offerings are the two important parts of remembering the past relatives.
* Take out the weeds and add fresh soil at the graves to show your respect for your ancestors.
* Offer food, wine (favorite wine for both Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar was Mai Tai)
and paper money to them.
* Do kowtow before the tombs as a show of respect.
* Yale Guen Mar, ride swings with Luca and Valentina and wear willow branches over your head.
* After that, do fly kites and go for hiking with siblings Ellen, Donald, and Eugene
and with Brenton, Silvia, Luca and Valentina and also with Valerie and Kinberly.
* Yale Guen Mar, make sure not to forget to take your boxes of diapers and wipes with you.
* Do change into a fresh diaper as often as you can to make sure that your shit doesn't drip
while you are inside East Palm Cemetery in general, and at Lot 49 in particular.
Yale Guen Mar, try to play your cards right, all your misbehaviors may get forgiven. Eugene might yet accept you as a friend on Facebook and even allow you to visit him.