created an illusion
(too old to reply)
Oleg Smirnov
2023-11-05 09:56:04 UTC
Yesterday, the Ukraininan media reports

| Former adviser to the Office of the President Alexei Arestovich
| admitted he had previously misled Ukrainians .. "A significant
| share of responsibility for the faith of an ordinary citizen in
| our quick victory lies with me personally," he said in his
| Telegram channel. "I created an illusion at that time .. Today
| I am destroying it .." .. He recently stated that Kiev won't be
| able .. called for negotiation .. <https://tinyurl.com/yksrqyyq>

That's the way the pop-hypnotizer performs today.

| Arestovich wrote his current post regarding an NBC News article,
| which reported that the West is inclined to negotiate with the
| Russian Federation to end the war in Ukraine ..

The mentioned NBC News article is <https://tinyurl.com/ymnbsfka>
Arestovich said they
would fight as long as it takes, even for ten years. They realise that
Ukraine may disappear, and a number of other states may appear in its
place, as was the case with Yugoslavia.
Arestovich is a TV-propagandist of the Kiev regime, who appears on their
TV every day and tells something "psychotherapeutic", intended to maintain
enthusiastic pro-war sentiment among the populace in the Kiev-controlled
territory. I.e. it's not a rational political-military analysis but a kind
of pop-show decorated to resemble an analysis.
Oleg Smirnov
2023-11-05 11:11:30 UTC
<https://tinyurl.com/yl3conmo> nytimes.com

Zelensky Rebuke of Top General Signals Rift in Ukrainian Leadership


It's pretty natural that there would be a rift, given the military
affairs are going much, much worse against the expectations they have
developed before.

Zelensky seems to seek to continue the desperate and fruitless effort
of what they call "counter-offensive". But many top and middle
commanders there are stunned by the very high losses of manpower and
suggest to change something. In contrast to the fantastic numbers
the Kiev regime and the Atlanticist MSM promote, the real losses are
significantly not in favor of the Kiev regime, while Zelensky doesn't
seem to care about it.

Some anti-Semites say that Zelensky, while being Jewish, doesn't care
about Slavic lives, so he's willing to send them to slaughter without
much reflection. Also some Atlanticist politicians, in the US and
Europe, made it clear they consider the Ukrainians a cheap expendable
and even didn't hesitate to plainly speak out about it (the Poland's
president Duda did so <https://archive.is/CXFuq>, for example). When,
this summer, it turned out that the Leopard tanks and other pooper-
dooper great Western weapons are well-destroyable, the Atlanticist
patrons ordered the Kiev regime to stop using this heavy equipment in
a large scale - since it's a bad marketing effect - but instead send
more manpower to the attacks, which increased their manpower losses.

So now they seem to have a sort of "rift" there.
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Yesterday, the Ukraininan media reports
| Former adviser to the Office of the President Alexei Arestovich
| admitted he had previously misled Ukrainians .. "A significant
| share of responsibility for the faith of an ordinary citizen in
| our quick victory lies with me personally," he said in his
| Telegram channel. "I created an illusion at that time .. Today
| I am destroying it .." .. He recently stated that Kiev won't be
| able .. called for negotiation .. <https://tinyurl.com/yksrqyyq>
That's the way the pop-hypnotizer performs today.
| Arestovich wrote his current post regarding an NBC News article,
| which reported that the West is inclined to negotiate with the
| Russian Federation to end the war in Ukraine ..
The mentioned NBC News article is <https://tinyurl.com/ymnbsfka>
Arestovich said they
would fight as long as it takes, even for ten years. They realise that
Ukraine may disappear, and a number of other states may appear in its
place, as was the case with Yugoslavia.
Arestovich is a TV-propagandist of the Kiev regime, who appears on their
TV every day and tells something "psychotherapeutic", intended to
maintain enthusiastic pro-war sentiment among the populace in the
Kiev-controlled territory. I.e. it's not a rational political-military
analysis but a kind of pop-show decorated to resemble an analysis.
2023-11-05 18:27:56 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
<https://tinyurl.com/yl3conmo> nytimes.com
Zelensky Rebuke of Top General Signals Rift in Ukrainian Leadership
It's pretty natural that there would be a rift, given the military
affairs are going much, much worse against the expectations they have
developed before.
Zelensky seems to seek to continue the desperate and fruitless effort
of what they call "counter-offensive". But many top and middle
commanders there are stunned by the very high losses of manpower and
suggest to change something. In contrast to the fantastic numbers
the Kiev regime and the Atlanticist MSM promote, the real losses are
significantly not in favor of the Kiev regime, while Zelensky doesn't
seem to care about it.
Some anti-Semites say that Zelensky, while being Jewish, doesn't care
about Slavic lives, so he's willing to send them to slaughter without
much reflection. Also some Atlanticist politicians, in the US and
Europe, made it clear they consider the Ukrainians a cheap expendable
and even didn't hesitate to plainly speak out about it (the Poland's
president Duda did so <https://archive.is/CXFuq>, for example). When,
this summer, it turned out that the Leopard tanks and other pooper-
dooper great Western weapons are well-destroyable, the Atlanticist
patrons ordered the Kiev regime to stop using this heavy equipment in
a large scale - since it's a bad marketing effect - but instead send
more manpower to the attacks, which increased their manpower losses.
So now they seem to have a sort of "rift" there.
Ukraine will hole election next March. In the absence of battlefield success, a sort rift is inevitable.
The question is whether the US would find a Jewish Zelenskyy more useful than a Slavic leader.
2023-11-05 18:21:00 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Yesterday, the Ukraininan media reports
| Former adviser to the Office of the President Alexei Arestovich
| admitted he had previously misled Ukrainians .. "A significant
| share of responsibility for the faith of an ordinary citizen in
| our quick victory lies with me personally," he said in his
| Telegram channel. "I created an illusion at that time .. Today
| I am destroying it .." .. He recently stated that Kiev won't be
| able .. called for negotiation .. <https://tinyurl.com/yksrqyyq>
That's the way the pop-hypnotizer performs today.
| Arestovich wrote his current post regarding an NBC News article,
| which reported that the West is inclined to negotiate with the
| Russian Federation to end the war in Ukraine ..
The mentioned NBC News article is <https://tinyurl.com/ymnbsfka>
Russia's early failure last year did make it look like a giant with legs of iron and feet of
half clay. NATO certainly did not mind to support Zelenskyy's Ukriane acting as the stone.
But then things have changed. May be the US still sees Russia as weak. But Zelenskyy
is certainly not the stone. And Ukraine itself is at present too weak to force Russia to
sue for peace.

The question now is what NATO under US leadership could and could not do?
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Arestovich said they
would fight as long as it takes, even for ten years. They realise that
Ukraine may disappear, and a number of other states may appear in its
place, as was the case with Yugoslavia.
Arestovich is a TV-propagandist of the Kiev regime, who appears on their
TV every day and tells something "psychotherapeutic", intended to maintain
enthusiastic pro-war sentiment among the populace in the Kiev-controlled
territory. I.e. it's not a rational political-military analysis but a kind
of pop-show decorated to resemble an analysis.
Oleg Smirnov
2024-01-03 17:01:29 UTC
Число oкраинцев, которые доверяют <Единым новостям>
резко сократилось с 69% в мае 2022 года до 43% в прошлом
месяце .. <https://t.me/rusbrief/188303>
Oleg Smirnov
2024-01-03 17:04:48 UTC
Cross-posted in s/c/china by mistake.
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Число oкраинцев, которые доверяют <Единым новостям>
резко сократилось с 69% в мае 2022 года до 43% в прошлом
месяце .. <https://t.me/rusbrief/188303>